Review of Greggs’ Vegan Steak Bake

It’s only 2nd January and I’ve already got the glow of someone who’s achieved a great deal this year. Why? I’ve just consumed the long-awaited Vegan Steak Bake from the incomparable Greggs. 

Ok, so this isn’t much of an accomplishment and the glow is actually a sheen of sweat caused by a layer of skin that not longer coats the inside of my mouth.. it was like molten lava.  

Despite it bearing a passing resemblance to the inside of a volcano, it was utterly delicious.  

A quick straw poll of the office (yes, I shared) reveals I’m not the only fan. My requests for a one word review prompted the following: “rich”, “depth”, “sumptuous”, “you think it’s meat but it’s not” (this person went off brief) and “molten” (see above).

The pastry rocks a square grid pattern meaning you can tell you’re eating the right one because the meat bake has a diamond design. On the inside the star is the gravy. It’s not too salty and isn’t filled with chunky onions, but blended into a smooth, gooey sauce.  

There’s just one snag. At 380 calories (vs the traditional bake’s 408) and 12g of saturated fat, it is hardly a healthy alternative. But if you’re doing Veganuary it’s a welcome respite from cooking your own lunch.

It is honestly very, very good. Is it better than the sausage roll? We think it is. But let us know if you disagree? One thing is for sure, it’s another triumph from the nation’s favourite baker. 

Listen to the Vegan Curious podcast. Lots of hints, tips, vegan culture discussion and unnecessary banter 🙂 We are on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

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